- /Tutorials/Linux/Udemy - Linux Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA - EX200) [11-2023 Updated]/4 - Redhat Administration RH134/

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10/6/2024 7:27 PM 688 28 - Welcome to System Administration II English.vtt
10/6/2024 7:27 PM 1219424 28 - Welcome to System Administration II.mp4
10/6/2024 7:27 PM 105745 29 - Basic-Shell-Scripts.pdf
10/6/2024 7:27 PM 118920 29 - for-loop-Scripts.pdf
10/6/2024 7:27 PM 180828 29 - if-then-Scripts.pdf
10/6/2024 7:27 PM 62797 29 - Improve command line productivity English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 549040242 29 - Improve command line productivity.mp4
10/6/2024 7:51 PM 4315 30 - Schedule future tasks Crontab and at English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:11 PM 13281276 30 - Schedule future tasks Crontab and at.mp4
10/6/2024 7:09 PM 21856 31 - Tune system performance English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 170900571 31 - Tune system performance.mp4
10/6/2024 7:14 PM 13770 32 - Controlling access to files with ACL English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 146589510 32 - Controlling access to files with ACL.mp4
10/6/2024 7:55 PM 37936 33 - Managing SELinux Security English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 179627735 33 - Managing SELinux Security.mp4
10/6/2024 7:54 PM 18561 34 - Manage basic storage English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 349517378 34 - Manage basic storage.mp4
10/6/2024 7:21 PM 31348 35 - Manage logical volumes English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 390177207 35 - Manage logical volumes.mp4
10/6/2024 7:57 PM 17066 36 - Implement advanced storage features English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:10 PM 81943920 36 - Implement advanced storage features.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 64485 37 - Access networkattached storage NFS and Samba English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 1067846552 37 - Access networkattached storage NFS and Samba.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 27909 38 - Control the boot process English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 125458270 38 - Control the boot process.mp4
10/6/2024 7:47 PM 41904 39 - Managing network security Firewall English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 276098330 39 - Managing network security Firewall.mp4
10/6/2024 7:57 PM 41023 40 - Run Containers English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:12 PM 414932932 40 - Run Containers.mp4
10/6/2024 8:09 PM 10 41 - Congratulations English.vtt
10/6/2024 8:10 PM 774971 41 - Congratulations.mp4
10/6/2024 8:10 PM 28 42 - Hanouts.html
10/6/2024 8:10 PM 1592476 42 - RH134.pdf
10/6/2024 8:10 PM 210307 42 - Samba-installation-and-Configuration.pdf
10/6/2024 8:10 PM 312007 42 - Steps-for-NFS-Configuration.pdf